The Energy


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When The Manifestation Doesn't Match the Vision You Had magic manifesting Feb 18, 2022

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction (LOA) and probably done your fair share of playing with manifesting anything you can think of.

There are endless articles, videos, and ritual ideas across the interwebs offering up tips and tricks to...

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Intuition and Manifesting: The Inner World War intuition magic manifesting mission purpose Dec 12, 2021

I've been watching my students go through this interesting battle with themselves about their intuition and manifesting abilities. They all do it.

Maybe you're doing it too.

Grab the 12 Easy Ways to Amplify Your Psychic Senses E-book full of my favorite ways to activate your Clairs naturally, as...

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What Kind of Healer Are You? awakening healer health & body intuition magic mission purpose May 14, 2021

Being a healer seems to be the new craze; everyone and their mom is starting a healing business these days! So how do you know if you are truly a healer or just getting swept up in the current trend?

Well, in my 5 years teaching healers how to step into their magic and start their own healing...

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How to Enjoy Rituals, Your Way elements full moon intuition magic manifesting sacred ritual starseed women's circles May 07, 2021

In today's blog, former HRA Community Manager, Tiffany Patterson shares her thoughts on rituals in modern times. You can also tune into our latest podcast, episode #18, "Are Rituals Outdated?" to dive deeper into the conversation. 

by Tiffany Patterson, Sacred Lotus & The Healing Hut


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Finding Home: A Channeled Message from the Sindari channeling magic multidimensional starseed Mar 05, 2021

Sindari (angelic-fairy hybrid race)

Channeled Transmission by Caitlin Dianna on February 27, 2021

Hello dear ones. Thank you for desiring to connect and repair or bridge your connections with many of the hybrids here that have been outcast or pushed out. We feel we may be able to offer some...

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Is it a Sign from Your Spirit Guides? ascension awakening guides intuition magic Feb 12, 2021

Feathers, pennies, faces in fire and trees, clouds that look like UFOs... are these signs or something else?

Grab the 12 Easy Ways to Amplify Your Psychic Senses E-book full of my favorite ways to activate your Clairs naturally, as if by magic!

We've all seen the websites and charts that list...

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Dear Starchild, You're Ready To Begin Your Mission 5d ascension awakening channeling fifth dimension healer intuition magic mission multidimensional purpose starseed walk-ins Jan 08, 2021

A Gift From the Drivers

Dear Starchild,

Today you wake from a haze that has enslaved your mind and slowed your body.  In your hands, we place this hologram filled with all you need to know about your magic, and ours, so that you may help to usher in the better tomorrows. You must remember how...

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How to Develop Your Psychic Senses health & body intuition magic psychic development retreats Oct 19, 2020

I want to talk about this whole idea of developing our psychic senses (or our "clairs" as I call them).

Grab the 12 Easy Ways to Amplify Your Psychic Senses E-book full of my favorite ways to activate your Clairs naturally, as if by magic!

There's so much pressure I find that has been put on,...

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The Confidence Lie That Stops You From Making Progress akashic records intuition magic manifesting Aug 26, 2020

Are you feeling behind in your spiritual journey? Like everyone else is so much further along than you? Like you are lacking the confidence to make headway in your psychic and intuitive development?

You're not alone. I hear it every day.

Grab the 12 Easy Ways to Amplify Your Psychic Senses...

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The Magic of Retreats banff d-codes magic retreats women's circles Dec 11, 2019

Have you ever wanted to escape the everyday mundanity of life and get out into a new, beautiful locale; into the sun-soaked beachy heat or the fresh snow-capped mountains, a sprawling vista or bustling city?

Have you dreamt of spending an extra-long weekend away, cared for, and meeting and...

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