The TRUTH About Why You Can’t Recall Your Past soul recall walk-ins Aug 02, 2024


Have you ever felt like there are core memories from your past that you just can’t access, no matter how hard you try? Perhaps there’s a period from your childhood to young adulthood that feels like a blank slate, as if it never happened at all. You might see photos...

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5 Different Types of Walk-In Souls walk-ins Aug 03, 2023

Walk-ins are such a fascinating phenomena!

You may be drawn to this blog post for a reason.

The first time I ever even heard the term ‘walk-in’ I instantly knew on a soul level that whatever it was would be important. Not until shortly later did I discover that I was one!


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Dear Starchild, You're Ready To Begin Your Mission 5d ascension awakening channeling fifth dimension healer intuition magic mission multidimensional purpose starseed walk-ins Jan 08, 2021

A Gift From the Drivers

Dear Starchild,

Today you wake from a haze that has enslaved your mind and slowed your body.  In your hands, we place this hologram filled with all you need to know about your magic, and ours, so that you may help to usher in the better tomorrows. You must remember how...

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{Walk-ins} Original Occupant: Do I Know You? akashic records multidimensional original occupant starseed walk-ins Aug 17, 2020

This is part 2 of a series of blog posts that were inspired by one of my clients' amazing questions after her session.

You can catch up on Part 1 here.

For this blog post, I think it will be best served as a Q&A format to give context, and perhaps ignite further inquiry from our...

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{Walk-ins} Who Stays and Who Goes? akashic records multidimensional original occupant starseed walk-ins Aug 13, 2020

We have noticed a drastic increase in the number of Walk-in souls coming forward over the last couple of months, which I have no doubt is in part due to the catalyst of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic that all of humanity is experiencing in 2020.

To catch up on the Walk-in conversation, you can check...
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When Your Truth Testing is Broken akashic records intuition walk-ins Aug 10, 2020

Discernment for self is sooooo important. It’s why one of the first things I teach all of my students is a tool I call Truth Testing.

I’ve even made a 3-video Truth Testing training series and put it on Youtube so anyone can learn this for free! Even if all you have is this...

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Are you the Walk-in? akashic records starseed walk-ins Oct 26, 2019

Recently, I was discussing the concept of Walk-in's in my Facebook community (Magic Beyond Boundaries) as so many of the people I'm coming across lately are coming into this Earth plane as Multi-dimensional or Star-seed Walk-ins. This can be an extremely confusing position to be in for such...

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