Timeline Jumping (And Why You Might Be Struggling to Make the Leap) 5d ascension awakening energy update fifth dimension purpose Jul 13, 2022

“I’ve already healed this ten bajillion times, why is it still coming up?”

I’ve been hearing this and similar statements from my clients and students a lot lately.

We’ve hit a new level, new devil in our spiral of healing where the actions we were getting looped into...

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How I Took my Healing Business From $100 to $2500 a Month business healer mission purpose women's circles Jun 01, 2022

As a practitioner, the hardest money you’ll ever make is your first $100. Why? It’s like popping the cherry and saying, “I think I’m actually going to do this thing!”

We often spend weeks to months lamenting about getting going, playing with distractions, and...

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3 Things New Healers Can Do to Grow Their Spiritual Biz business healer women's circles May 13, 2022

Almost a decade ago, I was building up the first iterations of what would become my practice today! Whoa, that’s a trip down memory lane to look back and see just how far I’ve come.

I had so many fears and doubts, stories I was telling myself about “could I actually do...

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The Evolution of Healthcare in the New Earth health & body mental health Feb 24, 2022

I’ve been reading more deeply on the evolution of medicine and this idea that if we just find the right drug combination, we can outrun disease. This way of thinking has been perpetuated in modern medicine for so long that sometimes we forget to stop and question, not only is this true, but...

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When The Manifestation Doesn't Match the Vision You Had magic manifesting Feb 18, 2022

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction (LOA) and probably done your fair share of playing with manifesting anything you can think of.

There are endless articles, videos, and ritual ideas across the interwebs offering up tips and tricks to...

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Intuition and Manifesting: The Inner World War intuition magic manifesting mission purpose Dec 12, 2021

I've been watching my students go through this interesting battle with themselves about their intuition and manifesting abilities. They all do it.

Maybe you're doing it too.

Grab the 12 Easy Ways to Amplify Your Psychic Senses E-book full of my favorite ways to activate your Clairs naturally, as...

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How to Overcome Anxiety akashic records healer health & body mental health Nov 14, 2021

Let’s talk about anxiety.

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. And it has been the entire time that I've been in this realm of healing, spiritual work and life coaching, because once upon a time I actually was an anxious basket case.

I was living this reality where everything...

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Why Your Healing Clients Don’t Return business healer health & body mission purpose Nov 07, 2021

Over the course of about the last month, myself and one of my peers have been off the rails with cleaning up other practitioner’s messes.

A lot of these people have gone to see practitioners—and not just D-Codes Practitioners, this is a global thing—they’re going to see...

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The New Earth Timelines 2021 5d ascension awakening energy update fifth dimension health & body mission multidimensional purpose starseed Oct 31, 2021

Feeling tired? This could be why.

Many of us are now straddling two timelines: the old that includes everything up until now and the New Earth timelines that are starting to unfold in real time and into the future.

Let me be clear: the "New Earth" is not on a different planet or in another...

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The Evolution of Healing 5d akashic records ascension awakening d-codes education fifth dimension healer health & body intuition psychic development purpose Oct 09, 2021

Let’s talk about the paradigm of healing, for a hot minute.

I don’t know if you guys have noticed how compartmentalized in thought, and teaching, healing has become.

What’s really interesting to me is that the way our metaphysical environment has been built is really no...

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September 2021 Energy Update 2021 ascension channeling dreams energy pulling energy update multidimensional psychic attacks sleep starseed Sep 10, 2021

Last week I was a cranky B.

And none of my usual fixes were working. Not yoga, not walking in nature, not even sniffing my essential oils. Nothing was moving it.

Anyone else?

This "crankiness" is typical for me when on a global scale we're about to do a big timeline jump. It also happens when a...

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Twin Flames & Desire - a Channeled Perspective andromedan blue avian channeling intuition manifesting mintakan orion mission orion pleiadian purpose Aug 08, 2021

Today we're sharing channeled messages from some awesome questions that were asked inside the Starseed Accelerator community!

We dove into some BIG topics that we get asked about all. The. Time.

Twin Flames and soulmates. What are they? Are they all the same or are there different types of these...

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