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Twin Flames & Desire - a Channeled Perspective andromedan blue avian channeling intuition manifesting mintakan orion mission orion pleiadian purpose Aug 08, 2021

Today we're sharing channeled messages from some awesome questions that were asked inside the Starseed Accelerator community!

We dove into some BIG topics that we get asked about all. The. Time.

Twin Flames and soulmates. What are they? Are they all the same or are there different types of these...

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Channeled Answers to Your Questions on UFOs, Light Language, and More! arcturian ascension awakening blue avian channeling climate fifth dimension galactic federation of light guides healer health & body mission multidimensional orion purpose starseed technology Jun 11, 2021

The students in the Healers Rising Academy were asking some fantastic questions last week, and our Galactic friends had fascinating (and in some cases, strongly worded) perspectives to share with us.

The majority of the channeled messages below are from various representatives of councils within...

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