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Timeline Jumping (And Why You Might Be Struggling to Make the Leap)
Jul 13, 2022
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“I’ve already healed this ten bajillion times, why is it still coming up?”
I’ve been hearing this and similar statements from my clients and students a lot lately.
We’ve hit a new level, new devil in our spiral of healing where the actions we were getting looped into...
The New Earth Timelines
Oct 31, 2021
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Feeling tired? This could be why.
Many of us are now straddling two timelines: the old that includes everything up until now and the New Earth timelines that are starting to unfold in real time and into the future.
Let me be clear: the "New Earth" is not on a different planet or in another...
September 2021 Energy Update
Sep 10, 2021
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Last week I was a cranky B.
And none of my usual fixes were working. Not yoga, not walking in nature, not even sniffing my essential oils. Nothing was moving it.
Anyone else?
This "crankiness" is typical for me when on a global scale we're about to do a big timeline jump. It also happens when a...