All Certified D-Codes Practitioners are up to date with certifications and have completed their respective course with exemplary results. We can wholeheartedly recommend any of these amazing Healers to support you on your journey. All listed Practitioners are working directly with Caitlin as apprentices in the advanced healing arts and have demonstrated continued ability to support clients through all kinds of ailments.

Please choose an Advanced Practitioner if you know you need support with chronic/ terminal illness, PTSD, debilitating mental health conditions, or other more advanced cases. Otherwise, let your intuition be your guide and tap into the practitioner who you are drawn to!

How To Choose Your Healer

Take a deep breath and without thinking too hard, scan each of the profiles of our Certified Practitioners. Use your knowing to follow through with the healers you feel connected with.

Click their "book with..." button to head over to their website or booking pages for more information. Choose the person you feel most connected with in this moment.

You'll book your session directly with the Practitioner you chose. Each of our healers brings such a beautiful & unique energy to their sessions - enjoy the magic!

 Advanced D-Codes™ Practitioners

Allison Taylor

Calgary, AB, Canada

Allison is a certified D-Codes Practitioner, Reiki Master, Access Bars Practitioner and has a diploma in Trilotherapy. Her inviting and fun energy and deep empathic nature allows her to connect easily with clients where she helps navigate intense emotions, see blind spots, and process and clear trauma. As an alchemist of healing, she loves unravelling the layers and empowering people by equipping them with the tools to stand on their own. She is a change maker, galactic integrator, and guide to those needing a partner in all areas of healing.

Book With Allison

Benita Wallis

Cadillac, SK, Canada

 Introducing Benita, an Advanced D-Codes Practitioner™ with QHHT® and a passionate animal enthusiast. Currently, she's devotedly studying Classical Osteopathy to master holistic healing. Benita's survivor's journey fuels her compassion, helping guide others on their own paths. Her straight-shooting toughness and sincere compassion inspire hope for healing. Trust Benita to facilitate your transformation, propel you forward on your journey to self-discovery and growth.

Book With Benita

Faith Cisakowski

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Faith Cisakowski is a D-Codes™ Advanced Practitioner and Reiki Master with an affinity for following the puzzle in a body to help her clients access freedom and flow in their lives. Outside of energy work Faith has worked with children, youth and adults in social work, mediation, solution focused counselling and education fields and has a Bachelor of Secondary Education. Faith's keen interest in nutrition, homeopathy, and alternative medicine supports her mission to help her clients find their joy.

Book With Faith

Jill Henderson-Grainger

Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Jill Henderson-Grainger is a D-Codes Practitioner who specializes in intuitive coaching and Access Bars. She's spent years creating a successful career in the medical field and has a deep passion for helping people heal mentally and physically. Her insightful and candid nature creates a supportive environment where you can work together to clear aspects of life such as trauma, PTSD, allergies and more. Jill is a patient teacher, has a strong knowledge of the body, and will support you to find a sense of peace and grounding in your healing journey.

Book With Jill

Samantha Ross

St. Albert, AB, Canada

Samantha Ross is an Advanced D-Codes Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher and holds a diploma in Clinical Massage Therapy. How the body systems work together really lights her up and she loves the opportunity to share this with you in a simplified way in your session. Whether she is working with clients with digestive or fertility issues, migraines, anxiety or end of life diagnoses, Samantha is there to nurture your soul and support you while you bring yourself back into balance.

Book With Samantha

Certified D-Codes™ Practitioners

Annie Bertrand 

Cabarete, Dominican Republic

Annie is a certified D-Codes Practitioner & Life Coach who uses Astrology, Human Design & the Akashic Records to help her clients decondition from family baggage so they can unlock their full potential. Rather than running in endless talk therapy circles that blame your mom for all your problems or being harshly triggered, feeling worse than when you started, Annie believes that true healing requires being empowered to take action towards your thrive state. We won’t JUST read your charts, we’ll heal the wounds that are written in so you can line up with your purpose.

Book With Annie

Carol Grimmitt

Halifax, NS, Canada

Carol loves connecting with those starting their awareness journey & witnessing the transformations through readings, energy work & teachings. As a D-Codes Practitioner with a variety of tools she intuitively connects the dots to find hidden lines that hold our story; tracing these to reveal the bigger picture clearing a path to healing. Her strength is listening to words that hold clues to decipher what next steps are possible. She loves seeing the light bulbs that appear through fun-filled 1:1 sessions directed to the individual needs.

Book With Carol

Crystal Camp-Kravtsov

Oklahoma, USA

Crystal is a highly intuitive psychic medium, Reiki master, and D-Codes practitioner who loves to work with her client's spirit guide teams. Together you’ll uncover the (sometimes unexpected) truth that’s been buried deep within your field, holding you back from moving forward. She is not afraid to go to these deeper hidden places, and she does so with an extremely high level of care where you feel completely supported to unwind it. Her sessions are a breath of fresh air and will leave you feeling lighter and full of momentum.

Book With Crystal

Denise Ruddick

Aggasiz, BC, Canada

Denise Ruddick is an intuitive facilitator of quantum healing & growth. She's a D-Codes Practitioner, Sound Healing Therapist and experienced life coach whose passion is to create a pathway for her clients to see the possibilities & opportunities ahead of them. Denise bridges connections & clears the way so others can fly to the tune of their own soul song. She uses sound to curate a safe space, follow the puzzle of the client’s body & amplify their shifts and movement. Whole self balance and harmony is always the goal.

Book With Denise

Di Peniston

North Yorkshire, UK

Di is a coach and energy healer who helps overwhelmed, burnt out and stressed women to get back to a state of momentum and flow. You don’t have to sacrifice your health and well being in pursuit of your aspirations. She’ll coach you to identify the cause of what’s slowing you down, making you sick, and holding you back so you can move forward with momentum and flow. Together you’ll address the full picture of what’s stopping you from experiencing a higher level of accomplishment with calmness and clarity.

Book With Di

Farhana Johnston

Saint Louis, MO, USA

Looking to achieve balance in your life and unlock your true potential? Farhana Johnston is a personal trainer, nutrition specialist, and certified energy healer who combines physical training, nutrition, behavioral change, and spiritual healing to help her clients achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Her compassionate nature and deep understanding of her clients' underlying issues ensure that you will receive insightful and direct guidance on your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself. Book a session with Farhana today and take the first step towards a healthier and more balanced life.

Book With Farhana

Jade Smith

Denmark, Western Australia

From the beautiful southern forests of Western Australia, Jade is living her calling to help mums bring harmony into their home and create the environment they desire for themselves and their family. As a certified D-Codes and advanced Reiki practitioner, Jade lives immersed in nature and brings a calm, steady energy to her sessions, allowing her clients the space to achieve their highest potential by confronting outdated belief systems, repressed emotions, and trauma, with a passion to help guide and create permanent change for her clients.

Book With Jade

John H Whitridge

Vancouver, BC, Canada

John is a galactic channeler and healer who helps his clients to reconnect to their soul yearnings and bring it into their everyday lives. From the tones that stream through in each session–which can range in sound from strange noises, light language, or English phrases–new awarenesses and downloads are activated in your field, which help you to release old energy and raise your vibrations instantaneously. Following through, John will provide grounded guidance to help you maintain the shifts in your day-to-day life.

Book With John

Julie Tant


Julie is a D-Codes practitioner, coach, bodyworker, and acupuncturist. Since 1992 she has devoted herself to the wellness field, accumulating invaluable experience. Julie's commitment to promoting health and balance in her clients' lives is unwavering. She firmly believes in practicing what she preaches, integrating her expertise in diet and lifestyle into her daily life. With Julie, you'll find a dedicated practitioner with a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being, guided by years of experience and a genuine passion for natural healing.

Book With Julie

Keisha Hubbard

Dallas Fort Worth, TX, USA

Keisha is a soul coach, medical medium, and certified D-Codes™ practitioner who specializes in helping you to unwind the cycles, patterns, and illnesses you’re locked in and use those as fuel to ignite a life well lived. With a 20-year history as an ER and Cardiovascular nurse, she knows how the human body works. She blends her medical training and intuitive trainings together to help you raise your vibration, find freedom, and stop attracting dis-ease and turmoil into your life.

Book With Keisha

Kelly Berg 

Islay, AB, Canada

Kelly is a certified D-Codes practitioner who is passionate about helping people find harmony in their bodies and lives. She loves to uncover layers that reveal the truth of who you are. Almost 20 years in the accounting industry has taught her the importance of being concise and getting to the root of the problem. She has a keen ability to see the whole picture and understand the unique challenges each client presents. Using quantum healing and mindset coaching, she offers practical solutions to help her clients reach their full potential.

Book With Kelly

Kristine Murray

Levant, ME, USA

Kristine is the embodiment of what is possible. She is a certified D-codes practitioner with a unique skill set that allows her to unveil what isn’t being seen and the ability to ask questions with precision bringing clarity and relief to her clients. Her energy is powerful and invites one to truly be witnessed, helping her clients weave in their shadow aspects to rediscover their strength from within. She has a passion for addiction support and those who struggle with connection to self or others. Kristine’s bubbly personality brings joy to her sessions.

Book With Kristine

Laura Cote

Anzac, AB, Canada

Combining her love of helping others with hours of study and practice strengthening both her psychic senses and knowledge of the human body, Laura is stepping into a new level of service to help you create the meaningful shifts you desire in your life. Laura’s approach to healing is to look at all levels and layers of what you are currently experiencing. By working with her intuitive insights, Laura is able to communicate the messages you require in order to create a pathway to wellness for your body, mind and soul.

Book With Laura

Mary Lynn Pink

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Mary is on a mission to support the magic makers to access their potency so they can ripple out collective change on this planet. As a previous soldier and medic, she knows firsthand what it takes to work within a collective structure-and what it takes to break free from the limitations they often hold. Working with Mary you'll be supported yet challenged to drop the masks and holdbacks. She is a boss at rapidly sorting through what's in your way so you can break through glass ceilings and get back on mission making the impact you designed for your life.

Book With Mary Lynn

Mona Gaucher

Montreal, QC, Canada

Mona is a French Canadian intuitive healer and teacher. As a certified D-Codes practitioner, Reiki Master, Feng Shui Consultant and Yoga teacher, she moves stuck energy within your body, your mind, your heart and even your home. She has trained in mystic studies since childhood, and now leads her clients into remembering their power, who they are and why they are here. Using akashic records, mediumship, emotional release, Reiki, breathwork, sound and other techniques, she sees with ease what else is possible so you can finally feel free.

Book With Mona

Nicole Barnes

Minot, North Dakota, USA

Nicole is an intuitive guide and holistic healer who helps women find their passions and purpose outside of motherhood. She listens beyond your words and witnesses you with a sacred mother energy that is soft, yet strong and grounded. She helps you feel safe enough to confront your underlying traumas, fears and conditioning that keep you stuck and sick, so that you can heal and move past them. Nicole empowers you to figure out who you truly are, and guides you to thrive with health and balance in your soul’s true expression.

Book With Nicole

Rochelle Lawrence

Kitscoty, Alberta, Canada

Rochelle is an experienced body worker and intuitive healer who specializes in supporting overwhelmed women who are looking to get their body and life back into balance.
With over 21 years of experience, she blends the science of human anatomy with proven energy healing principles. She will expertly guide you to understand and release the deeper ties to your physical symptoms and imbalances while creating a calm, safe and nurturing environment for you to unwind, and feel grounded.

Book With Rochelle

Shannon Abell

Edmonton, AB, Canada

Shannon helps her clients to access their past lives to overcome feelings of overwhelm & disconnection. With a gentle and steady presence, she’ll help you journey into your Akashic Records to discover the source of the cycles, patterns, and cords & contracts that are binding you and keeping you from feeling free and finding your forward momentum. Whether you're looking for guidance on a specific issue or just want to explore your inner self, she’s excited to walk beside you as you reclaim your personal power and find the magic in your life.

Book With Shannon

Stephanie Harris

Kansas City, MO, USA

Stephanie Harris is an Intuitive Integrative Healer & Coach, D-Codes™ Practitioner, Medical Massage Therapist, and Quantum Reiki Master. With her deep anatomical knowledge and intuitive guidance, she traces the origins of symptoms and tackles mental, emotional, and physical imbalances at their core. Clients experience a safe, nurturing environment where they are truly seen, heard, and empowered, fostering comprehensive healing and transformation. Stephanie's holistic approach guides individuals to a harmonious state of well-being.

Book With Stephanie

Tracy Mask

Phoenix, AZ, USA

Tracy loves to guide women in moving through the emotions that hold them back from excelling in their lives. With a passion for helping others rise above grief, fear, and self-esteem issues, Tracy supports her clients to release the burdens that have been preventing their forward momentum. She incorporates a unique blend of quantum energy healing, mindset coaching, and homeopathics into her sessions which allows her clients to tap into their inner strength and find the courage to make lasting positive changes in their lives.

Book With Tracy

Tracy Montgomery

St. Albert, AB, Canada

Tracy is an Intuitive Healer + Coach who is passionate about guiding others to develop their intuition, find their ‘inner spark’, and empower themselves to live a life they love, while guiding deeply healing and transformative experiences. Tracy is a Certified D-Codes™ Practitioner, SRT and S.I.T Practitioner, Reiki Master, RMT, holds a B.Ed and loves working with Akashic Records. As an Alchemist of many tools, Tracy will support you in finding the ‘root’ of what is blocking you from your healing and invite you to reclaim your passion, purpose and sovereignty.

Book With Tracy