You’ve started to heal,
Now it’s time to Become the Disruptor

The Healing Industry needs to change. And, it can start with you! Learn the D-Codes Healing Method that has given over 4,000 people their health and wellness back.
Join D-Codes Level 2 Now

The D-Codes Level 2: Practitioner Pathway is 10 Months of
Advanced Training with both Online and In-Person curriculum.

This isn’t just a skill download. It’s a full-life upgrade.


Ready for your next level? Let’s go.

Laura Cote

"The journey through D-Codes Level 1 and 2 has allowed me to become the version of me I know I am here to be. With a no-nonsense teaching style, Caitlin and her team delivered the curriculum in a comprehensive and supportive way, with a setup for success every step of the way.

I experienced the soul-level growth and acceleration I was seeking to go out and be a healer in the world and I highly recommend D-Codes to anyone searching for their soul mission."

D-Codes Level 2 is your next step if...

 You're ready to answer the call. Deep down you know you're here to provoke change & instigate healing on the planet, for your friends or family (in your own way).

You're excited to consciously create your reality, where your personal transformation is the invitation, inspiration, and permission for others to rise.

You're highly curious - you couldn't stop learning and discovering more if you tried. Learning advanced acceleration processes excites you.

You’re here to break generational patterns of chronic limitation in all areas and create a thriving trajectory for the future of your family line.

You’re called to BE the change you want to see on the planet, starting with getting your own house in order and leading by example.

 You’re intuitive as fuck but you second guess it and you’re ready to have the confidence to fly.

 You’re an Alchemist at heart, eager to experiment with different energetic acceleration methods while tapping into quantum creativity to alchemize your own magic.

You want to be part of solutions, where instead of curbing symptoms or being a band-aid for problems, you know how to crack the core root of issues and provide lasting change.

 You're invested in becoming the best human, partner, friend, colleague, parent, boss, and wayshower to those around you. 

 Your desire to light others up as you walk beside them in their darkness is your greatest motivator. 

 You’re ready to find your tribe and belong in a community of safe humans, developing lifelong friendships (which is one of the best side benefits of D-Codes, hands down!)


D-Codes Practitioners are a Catalyst for Change

The D-Codes are the Gateway between our 3D experience and our Morphogenetic Field. This field connects to our soul blueprint and our perfectly whole and healed self. Everything we are, everything we are to become, and everything we are here to do is in this space. As D-Codes Practitioners, we’re reopening the body to receive this level of consciousness. We bridge the etheric realms with physical manifestation to show humans how to heal and build a life they are excited to live.

Create lasting change by merging quantum energy healing with Earth's medicines to disrupt limitations in the body, lineage & energy field.


Become highly skilled at receiving & perceiving intuitive downloads so you can quickly connect the dots between patterns people are looped in and identify missing links that hold key codes to their healing.

You’ll also download your unique Mission Blueprint. Not everyone is meant to be a Healer who’s confined to 1:1 sessions, Zoom rooms or the 4 walls of a clinic space. The Practitioner Pathway will help you reveal what your purpose on this planet is, and how to use D-Codes authentically on your mission.

Plus, download a full toolbox of Advanced D-Codes skills, frameworks, and processes you can use to help others, and yourself, on your journey of acceleration.


Master the art of rapidly decoding any sign, symptom or point of friction you or a client are experiencing that is preventing you from accessing your higher self in the Morphogenic Field.

This system works on just about anything! Use it to decode allergies, illness, disease, disorders, emotional or mental blocks, and so much more!


This is what the D-Codes (Disruptor Codes) are all about.

You’ll learn to shake sh%t up and inspire change within yourself & others. Instead of curbing symptoms or being a band-aid for problems, you’ll know how to crack the core root of issues and initiate quantum growth. The D-Codes are a New Earth way of doing things - the disruption the planet needs.

This training program isn’t just about me transferring my skills over to you and having you show up as this badass healer, it’s also about you stepping into the greatest version of you. 

What exactly
is D-Codes?


D-Codes is where the ancient wisdom of Natural Healthcare intersects with New Earth Energy Healing.

The D-Codes Practitioner Training Program is a 10-month advanced training program where you'll learn what gets a body to a state of true and lasting change by merging quantum energy healing with holistic care plans. 

You'll learn integrative techniques that blend science with spirituality to guide your clients to full-body breakthroughs.

You will also learn how to assess a body to discover whether the core root of their issue is truly physical and requires adjustments to their wellness routines or if it originates in the subconscious field and requires energy work.

Plus, you'll be confidently equipped with natural remedy principles, intuitive coaching skills, advanced energy healing techniques, and SO MUCH MORE.

The D-Codes Practitioner Pathway is for you if you know you're here to heal your family, friends, clients, or even to answer your calling and become a professional healer. Whatever the call, we'll guide you on this path to making a meaningful (and disruptive) difference in the world.

You’ll Learn How to

Rebalance and recalibrate the first 12 dimensions of the human body

Reverse allergies and sensitivities once thought irreversible

Accelerate healing of injuries, illness, and chronic disease

Clear Walk-ins: learn how to work with them, and how and when to clear them

Resolve Entity attachments, energy siphoning, false-light grids, curse work, and reclaiming systems

Master the Akashic Records so you can work in the Halls of Amenti and access Galactic Levels

Safely dismantle interdimensional implants and tech pieces you find in your clients' systems

Explore quantum healing fields

Learn how to coach your clients to make inspired changes to their natural health routines

Zip currents of energy through the body & instantly put spines back into alignment

Track the root cause of illness, ailments, disease, and disorders to bring back to health

…and more.

Stephanie Harris

"Learning DCodes has been a transformative experience for me. As someone who has always been interested in energy healing and alternative modalities, I was immediately drawn to DCodes as a way to deepen my understanding and expand my skill set.

Throughout the course, I was amazed at how powerful and effective the techniques were in helping me access and work with subtle energies in the body. The approach was holistic and intuitive, and I felt a deeper connection to my own energy and the energy of others.

Not only did I gain new knowledge and tools, but I also felt a sense of community and support from the instructors and fellow students. The course was well-structured and provided ample opportunity for hands-on practice and feedback.

After D1 I integrated DCodes into my personal and professional healing practice, and I have seen incredible results in myself and my clients.  I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow through DCodes, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is passionate about energy healing and looking to expand their skills and knowledge. Thank you Caitlin for this transformative and life changing course and her mentor team for helping hold the students growth through each step."

I see over and over again well meaning people sitting back and letting opportunities pass them by because they feel they aren’t “healed” or far enough along yet. But if you continue to believe that you always need healing, will you ever truly be healed?

On the flip side, anyone who thinks they are fully arrived is clearly stuck in an ego trap where they're no longer open to learning and growing. They become corruptible, and their skills, obsolete.

When we step into the role of Healer, even just for family and friends, we must shift our identity out of perpetual sick-, stuck-, and broke -ness and into the inspiration for others.

With this new Healer identity, our motivation to do our own personal work ignites from our intrinsic desire to help others to thrive. And our own thrive state becomes the inspiration for them to do so, too. It's a sacred dance of acceleration in reciprocity where we go further, together.

That's why you've now got me as your Coach through your D-Codes experience. In my Hot Seat Healing sessions happening twice a month, you have the chance to bring whatever is coming up for you personally to get coached on. I'll help you see your blind spots and walk you through how to use the D-Codes tools you're learning on yourself to clean it up. No more sitting in your -ish or taking yourself out. Plus, you'll become the inspiration to–and be inspired by–your classmates as you witness each others' growth and healing.

It's New Earth healing in motion.

Merlin’s beard, I’M IN!

Rochelle Lawrence

"When I signed up for the D-Codes 1 program, I was ready to do some personal healing and maybe help some people along the way. Kind of like an add-on to my current practice. As I got through it and realized how well the body responded to what I was learning, it was a no-brainer to move on to the next level. What I wasn't expecting was the amount of acceleration and growth in level 2.

The next 8 months pushed me as a healer and I was unprepared for what happened next at our workshop. I never expected change to happen, so much so that who I saw in the mirror was not the one who started this journey but this beautiful human who was here to ripple this beautiful modality and herself into the world. Thank you Caitlin for this amazing program, you forged the path for the new beautiful generation of healers, and I truly am extremely grateful."

Course Curriculum

The D-Codes Practitioner Program was designed to build your confidence, improve your assessment and coaching skills, and build personalized care plans that cater uniquely to each body.

Natural Earth Medicine

As complementary practitioners, we can draw on the medicines provided to us by Mother Earth and harness the healing powers that come with guiding our clients into a life aligned with how nature intended us to live.

You'll learn the foundations of natural healing and how to guide your clients back to health skillfully.

Physical Assessments

The 3D body shows us exactly what is going on inside, by posting it on the outside. You'll learn how to assess, triage, and track into what systems need support, and acquire the skill to decode whether a person's root cause is a physical or energetic ailment to provide healing with confidence.

Foundation Fundamentals

Dive into the essentials of nutrition, hormone balancing, movement, emotional identification and release, mindset shifts, and more! Strengthen your foundation to facilitate lasting change, while avoiding empathic entanglements and ensuring your coaching efforts lead to tangible results.

Quantum Tracking

Learn how to track the unseen disturbances that subconsciously influence people. You'll flex your skills in advanced Akashic collapse, Walk-in removal, clearing entities, releasing epigenetic imprinting and outdated karmic patterns, and undoing energetic bindings that hinder momentum.

Mental Health

The matrix of mental health isn't just a hormone imbalance, a trauma response, or a neurological deficit.

You'll learn how to unwind the most common mental health disorders and set a body free using the D-Codes approach to mental health and wellness.

Complex Cases

You'll begin to apply the D-Codes processes to unwind and reverse autoimmune disorders, support cancer patients and eliminate allergies. You'll be able to apply the quantum energy healing techniques as well as the supportive naturopathic guidance to give a body amazing relief and complete results.

External Influences

We first need to find out more about how someone lives, as every single external aspect of their life contributes to the state they're in (for better or worse). The more we know about how someone lives, the better we can develop a picture of how far we will be able to help them reach, and how much they can change over a period of time.

Walk-ins & Entities

You'll learn the most common types, what causes a person to attract a walk-in or entity, and the effects they may have on the body. 

Dive deeper into your mediumship and psychic skills to start amplifying your ability to see these attached souls so you can help cross them over (and out of your client's reality).

Kelly Berg

"D-Codes….this came into my awareness a couple years ago at a time when I wasn’t really looking for anything in particular.  I’d seen a lot of “starseed” talk in social media and then my cousin told me about this “starseed accelerator”.  I was intrigued and signed up! 

Fast forward 2 years and I’ve now completed Dcodes level 1 and 2 and am so excited to be moving forward to help clients find relief.  This course is so comprehensive and supportive that even though I have ZERO body work background, I feel fully equipped to walk clients through whatever they are feeling in their bodies.  The unique way this course weaves learning the body work and building the business side is incredible and has left me feeling empowered to move forward and create a thriving business.

Whether you are looking to add another tool to your kit to help clients or just wanting to learn for yourself…this course is amazing and will transform you in ways you’d never expect."

The D-Codes Way

In true D-Codes style, we’re disrupting the outdated education model.

My team and I believe that the best way to help you kick imposter syndrome or low self-confidence to the curb is by immersing you in hands-on practice with mentorship, guidance, observation, and a wide variety of ways to apply your skills.

When you train as a practitioner with us, you get: 

Hot Seat Healing Sessions with Caitlin (creator of D-Codes) 🌟

Join me behind the scenes in my healing sessions! You'll get the opportunity to observe (and experience) how the skills weave together, how to coach different client archetypes, ways to support different health issues, and how to provide holistic health care plans. 

Real-Time Practice With Mentor-Led Guidance 🌟

Take your newly acquired knowledge and skills to group training sessions, where you'll have the opportunity to practice in real time with your peers and have our experienced mentors to answer your questions and guide you along the way!

In-Person Hands-On Training 🌟

So much can be transferred through spoken words and stories, energy transmissions, and practice. However, some elements require us to develop a feel; which requires careful guidance, support, and nurturing as we learn the subtleties of adjusting the human body.

This 4-day immersive workshop is your opportunity to translate theory into practice, to truly embody your knowledge, to experience deep connection in a community that gets you, and to become the disruptor you're meant to be.

This workshop is completely included in your tuition and covers your accommodations, meals, tools and materials, and hands-on classroom teaching by Caitlin with support from the mentor team.

You'll join us and your classmates at the in-person workshop in western Canada, where you'll attune to the D-Codes runs, learn to assess bodies, and receive real-time support from our experienced mentor team. It's the moment to step into your role with assurance, refining your skills through direct application and feedback.

This is what you're gaining access to when you register for D-Codes Level 2:

🪐The entire step-by-step Disruptor Codes™ Level 2 curriculum with 30 recorded lessons and tons of extra resources to teach you this proven New Earth Healing framework, Value: $3,195

🪐 All-Inclusive, 4-Day In-Person Intensive Training Workshop in Canada, where Caitlin will help you master your feel on real bodies, accelerating faster than you even knew was possible, (HELLO, identity shift!), Value: $4,295

🪐Multiple opportunities to join group training and practice sessions each month with Certified D-Codes Practitioner Mentors who have trained directly with Caitlin, helping you to put the concepts into action and get targeted feedback along the way, Value: $1,200

🪐BONUS: Monthly Live Q&A & Hot Seat Healing Sessions with Caitlin to see healing sessions in action and be guided by her in how to apply the concepts to your unique circumstances so you can keep moving forward, Value: $1,729



Total Value: $11,062**double check!!

But you're not paying that.


And you can get started for as low as $995.62 with our flexible payment plan options. (All prices in Canadian dollars.)

The Investment 


D-Codes is a 10-month program. Students are expected to participate in multiple training & practice sessions, attend 1-2 Hot Seat Healings per month, and keep current with their weekly lesson releases. On average, students should expect to allocate 90-240 minutes per week to studies, assignments, and online training opportunities.

The in-person workshop is 4 full days taking place in western Canada. 


You will have 5 main case study projects to complete throughout the course. Deepen your understanding of core concepts in mentor-led discussions, test your knowledge in review quizzes, and practice the concepts and skills in group training sessions every month.

Plus, your 4-day in-person training workshop is about 40 hours of hands on practice to help you prepare for certification.


The course fee is $7,965 CAD, or save $500 when you pay in full.

Your investment covers the full course curriculum, your mentorship training, hot seat healing sessions with Caitlin, and the all inclusive in-person training workshop (yes, meals and accommodations are included)!

Monthly installment plans or Pay in Full options are available to make this accessible for our students.

I'm Ready! Sign Me Up!


Feeling inspired but not quite sure if
D-Codes is right for you?

I get it! This is a big commitment in time, energy and for some people, finances.

I'd love to offer you the opportunity to jump on the phone with me to figure out if D-Codes is aligned with your mission or not. You can ask me any questions you may have, and I'll also help you unearth elements of your mission to see if this is going to help you get closer to your goals. If you choose to go forward with D-Codes, your call fee will be applied to your tuition. If not, no worries! You'll leave knowing your next right step and we will have had an awesome mini-session together. 

Madi Kinley

“My entire life I knew that I wanted to be a healer but had never found a modality that truly spoke to me. That was until I found Caitlin and D-codes, and this marked a massive shift in my life.

I was able to witness firsthand the powerful benefits of putting the tools into practice. Through this process, I was able to free myself from a 10-year addiction, that beforehand I was never able to see an end to. 

Seeing how the tools were creating these massive shifts in myself, inspired me to take action, and to finally decide to step up and become the healer I’m here to be.

If we decide to remain in comfort, we never really change. So if you get that yes, move into the unknown, the uncomfortable, and ya it can be scary, but know that at the end of this process, you won’t regret it."