The Starseed Accelerator has ended...

but you can get notified when our next free Starseed Accelerator workshop is taking place.

Starseed Accelerator

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What People are Saying...

Amanda R.

It's like being set free from all the conventional ideas that everyone subscribes to but don't really work.

It opens your mind to things you never thought possible but at the same time it's like putting together a puzzle where you just couldn't find the right piece but you knew it had to exist somewhere.

It's existential AF. And it's awesome.

Emily M.

The first Accelerator made me realize that certain things about myself, that I kept to myself most of my life for fear of being called crazy, were actually more aligned with my truth than anything else about me.

It opened me up to remembering the ways I use to express myself, and the way I trusted myself before the conditioning influence of others.

It brought me back to who I am.

Klara F.

The first Accelerator was an opening of a door to a world I didn’t know existed – and yet somewhere deep inside knew that it did.

It was this incredible combination of an incredible new potential unfolding, and a feeling of remembering. It has sparked a level of excitement about life that I hadn’t felt since I was a kid.

Mandy V.

I went into the Accelerator hoping to learn more about different Starseed collectives. I came out of it with a major ass kicking and a new perspective, tools, friends and mentors that are helping me change mine and my family's life for the better.

I have also discovered a new passion and future career, and learned to love my authentic self once more.

Paulina S.

Opened my mind to so many opportunities and that there is an entire community of individuals that share the same thirst for knowledge and truth and have similar view points.

That I'm not alone in this.

Almost like a blast off to a new world. Like a first step towards your next steps of your journey.

Ariel M.

I've learned what my intuition sounds like and feels like more and how to use it in different areas of my life including relationships and that spans romantic, parenting, career, social life, etc.

I've gained language and ways of communication I didn't have before and tools to overcome what holds me back not just energetically but physically as well and how to find balance between them.


The [last] Accelerator, for me, helped me remember my abilities and now how to tap in myself any time. It's allowed me to heal parts that were hidden or out of reach. It's put me in line, opened me up to true healing and cutting old issues.

I'm more in tune with my rhythms than maybe ever before and I am able to stay there, I see things clearer and with less distractions.

It's honestly been one of the best decisions of my life so far.

I loved it and would do it again. I tell my friends about it all the time.

Dana B.

The [last] Accelerator slingshotted me forward so quickly and miraculously, I feel like I've been seven different people since then. The life changes, the perspective changes, my level of awareness has all increased in an uncomfortable yet so beautiful way, and it gave me a drive to find out more truth, more of who I am, it really gave me this "I am not giving up" drive that propels me forward even when I get thrown off. It showed me that the possibilities are endless and it made me want to continue on this path because I know I can help people, which has been the one thing I've held onto my entire life.

Ashley R.

In only a few months I have become more connected with myself & the Universe & feel like I can be myself in every way. I have become infinitely happier, less stressed, & I know without a doubt that I’m moving in the right direction now & it’s SO EXCITING.

My confidence in trusting my intuition and decisions grows daily. My hope & belief that anything is possible has been restored. My dreams and passion have been reignited. All of my interests & curiosities are being magically bridged together.

It’s incredible to have connections to an amazing community of kindred spirits & the ability to explore without limits or judgement. It all started with the Starseed Accelerator & I am infinitely grateful for this experience.